Hi From Down Under

Photo by Dave Morgan, NewsLincolnCounty.com

Well we finally did it! Our earth sheltered home is now completely “Earth Sheltered”Over The Top.
(We are amazed at how much “flat” space there is up there. Croquet anyone?),

… Down between the East and West retaining walls.

Photo by Dave Morgan, NewLincolnCounty.com

The final job was to place what topsoil we were able to scrape off the hill from behind the house, to on top of the house.  Later we will go back and rake it out evenly.  Since there will most likely be some settling over the next year, we will leave this ramp up the NW side in case we have to add more material later. As soon as we can get our pressurized water system working, we will plant grass and wild flowers to help control erosion.

Photo by Dave Morgan, NewLincolnCounty.com


Photo by Dave Morgan, NewLincolnCounty.com

With the earth covering really showing from the road now,  we have seen even more traffic stop on the Bay Rd. to check it out.

2 thoughts on “Hi From Down Under

  1. Hey Stevie
    This is just a test. It seems like no one comments on the blog anymore and I wanted to make certain you’re getting the comments

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